YoAlejandro.com is Alive!

Hello people of the internet!

As some of you may know, I have been trying to grow my personal brand online in the Fitness and entrepreneurship space. That’s actually how URTINY.SITE was born. I needed a quick and simple website to share some details, links, and just plain updates. Having a web design background, I created a super fancy and flashy website that was over the top. Literally. However, it didn’t make me happy.

After much back and forth and discussing with me, myself, and I. I came to the conclusion I wanted a Link in Bio type of site but with all the features of a regular website, including ecommerce functions. Then, UrTiny.Site was born!

A Website that;

  1. Easy to use.
  2. Simple Design
  3. Feature loaded – like a normal website
  4. Easy to make changes
  5. Keeps on growing with my brand.

After creating the infrastructure, I created YoAlejandro.com, my own UrTiny.Site. It’s going to be an extension but also a sync of my personal brand. I encourage you’ll to check it out, if you need an awesome website but enjoy simplicity. I recommend you reach out to us! UrTiny.Site awaits!


Thank you,

Alejandro Rodriguez, Founder of UrTiny.Site